"The Herttakuninkaat show is the first full lenght show by Herttakuninkaat and so it is named after
the group. In the performance Kalle Lehto and Kai Kuutamo bring forth extraordinary characters that
each introduce their own style of circus arts from animal circus to contemporary art circus.
Herttakuninkaat will hit you and your family like a log!"
During the show the performers will review different styles of circus arts together with the audience.
The different styles are represented with a self-ironical and well-informed professional touch through
narration and practice in a somewhat show-and-tell fashion. The show has delighted audiences around
Finland since 2014 with its lighthearted humour and skillful tricks bringing smiles on even the most
serious of faces. The show has been seen on many festivals like Seikkisrock, Norpas, Skidit and
SmugsuRock and it has toured in more than 40 retirement homes around Southern Finland and Southwest Finland
For ages between 2-105
Duration: 40 min.
Language: Finnish or English
Space: Possible to adapt into different kind of spaces. Height is a plus.
Crew: Antti Kulmala, Kalle Lehto, Kaj-Mikael Schutt
Performers: Kalle Lehto, Kaj-Mikael Schutt
Artistic consultant: Antti Kulmala
Producing and marketing: Kaj-Mikael Schutt, Kalle Lehto
Website and graphics: Kaj-Mikael Schutt
Poster: Kaj-Mikael Schutt
Tour show lights: Antti Kulmala
Costume design: Samboth Ao (Cambodia), Susanna Liinamaa and Crew
Photographs: Susanna Liinamaa
Feedback from the 2015 tour:
"Juuri oikean mittainen ja oikeanlainen esitys meidän asukeille." / "The perfect lenght and the perfect type of show for our inhabitants."
"Jumalauta! Saa*ana miten mahtavaa!" / "Goddamn! Hell this is awesome!"
"Tää oli kyllä kivointa mitä meillä on täällä ikinä ollut!" / "This was the most fun thing we have ever had here!"
"Jopa Pena (nimi muutettu), jolla on 10% näöstä jäljellä, nautti esityksestä." /
"Even Pena (not real name), who has only 10% of his vision left, enjoyed the show."
"Mukavaa kun oli huumoria mukana. Koko esityksen ajan hymyilytti."
"Nice that there was humor too in the show. It made me smile through the whole show."
"Teette hyvää työtä, pojat. Olette taitavia, lahjakkaita ja iloisia."
"You are doing a good job, boys. You are skilled, talented and merry."