You can check the latest unrelevant updates
and stories at our facebook site. Liking us
there is also an action for the greater good.
Click the link to proceed.
Whoa! Forgot to update our news for a few years! No worries though. It happens.
I know I am not the only one. Now this is an update! Good news! We updated our news!
We also updated our webpage throughout! Even our Calendar of All Time page, History page and now Sisäpihasirkus has its own page too! Amazing! We are also planning to have
a super javascript Herttakuninkaat jigsaw puzzle on the page! Just you wait!
No shows coming up this year though. UNLESS You book us! Do it NOW! Otherwise you have nothing to wait apart from the jigsaw puzzle!
We are open for booking but just you know: We are NOT cheap!
Book Sisäpihasirkus and it will hit you and your audience like a meter long log! Check out the show here:
Herttakuninkaat have been going to places all year! Last year retirement
homes and the like and 2019 we have been visiting our roots in Turku
Adventure park and sailing the seas with Harri Hylje and the great Skidit posse.
Now we are preparing a playground tour in Helsinki! Check the dates from our calendar.
Starting from 4.6.2019 and ending on 14.6.2019 we will be doing 10 shows for free around
Kannelmäki and Stoa areas. 3 free shows at Stoa on the Helsinki Day 12.6.!!! See you there!
No time for writing journals, we got a tour to do! On the road again and hitting
retirement homes and other facilities from high and hard. Tomorrow we will present
the Herttakuninkaat performance for the 88th time and by the end of the year we
will hit 100 performances with this show! That is all well and good since this
is our fifth year with this show and our 13th (king in cards) year of existence.
Too good to be true?! Hardly. We are planning to have an exhibition about our
Enter the Hearts (Sydämiin) Tour bringing forth all the documentation we have.
Dozens of pictures, short videos, long videos, feedback and stories from the
locations and the road. Be ready and be sharp or you might miss it!
Wow! The co-operation with the Finnish National Theatre and their round-about touring stage project
has gone smoothly. 18 shows done this year for Kansallisteatterin Kiertuenäyttämö and we have
visited the most interesting places around the capital area like hospitals, retirement homes
and homes for the disabled. Our tour has actually for real gone so smoothly that the National
Theatre renewed our contract for 2018! Cheers and let the good times roll! You can check
our facebook for pictures along the way and other fun stuff. If you want to know more about
the National Theatre's Touring Stage (Kansallisteatterin Kiertuenäyttämö) click the picture
Hello everybody, let's Hurraa!! Herttakuninkaat are performing at the Hurraa!! Festival
next week. You can check our schedules below. The shows around Espoo are for FREE! We also
visit a few social targets in Espoo like Rinnekoti, a dormitory for the disabled, and
a refugee center called Siikajärven vastaanottokeskus. Tickets for the Kanneltalo shows
and other festival shows you can check from the Hurraa!! website:
19.3. Helsinki, Kanneltalo, klo 15.00
21.3. Helsinki, Kanneltalo, klo 9.30 & 10.30
22.3. Espoo, Entressen kirjasto, klo 14.00 FREE ENTRY
Espoo, Kauppakeskus Espoontori, klo 18.00 FREE ENTRY
23.3. Espoo, Kauppakeskus Lippulaiva, klo 18.00 FREE ENTRY
24.3. Espoo, Kivenlahden asukaspuisto, klo 14.00 FREE ENTRY
Hello! Experience great culture at low-low prices during June and July in Turku!
One month for the new shows premiere and here are the showtimes:
ke 29.6. klo 15.00
to 14.7. klo 15.00
pe 15.7. klo 15.00
pe 22.7. klo 15.00
la 23.7. klo 15.00
The place is Helmi-Teltta at Turun Seikkailupuisto (Helmi Tent at the Adventure Park of Turku)
You can book your tickets here and they are CHEAP!
It's like 2016 and its been 6 months since the last news feed! Not to worry
cause the wait has been worth it with us having only great news to spread like
mushrooms when it rains.
Our Sydämiin -retirement home tour will continue in 2016 thanks to the Finnish
Cultural Foundation. The new targets will be located around South-Western Finland
with an effort to reach as far from our headquarters in Turku as possible.
A new show is bubbling under featuring guest star Susanna Liinamaa. The show will
have its premier in June at Seikkisrock Festival in Turku. Stay tuned for the
hot blurb and some stoked layout.
During this year we will also start to work on our first show fir adults called Pohjolan Äijä
(North Man). The show will revolve around Finnish folklore and ancient religions and beliefs
known in Finland before the coming of Christianity. If you don't know the Hiisi and the Tonttu, you
will after the show. The planned premier is in 2017 in a location yet unknown.
So our Sydämiin-tour for 2015 has come to an end. We would like thank all the nice
retirement homes we visited for the warm smiles, laughs and hot coffee. Thank yous to
our sponsors also for without them we would not have managed this tour. Now it is time
to start planning the 2016 tour and look for new funds. We are also planning a new
show for 2016. Bigger and different too suited for bigger stages with real lights and
stage technique. Hear more about it here when it happens. You can
check some pictures of our 2015 tour and festivals we visited from our facebook site
if you wish. Otherwise see you later probably in 2016!
Another nice review/feedback from one of the targets in Vantaa (in Finnish):
Haluan kiittää Malminiityn asumis-ja toimintakeskuksen toiveesta, aivan ihanasta, lämpimästä ja valloittavasta
HERTTAKUNINKAAT SYDÄMIIN -kiertueesta täällä meillä. Esitys oli juuri sopivan mittainen, esiintyjät erittäin
taitavia ja hurmasivatkin katsojamme täysin. Enemmän tällaisia esityksiä oli monen katsojan toive. Kahvipöydissä
käytiin keskustelua esityksen jälkeen onnistuneesta iltapäivästä ja asukkaat, jotka eivät olleet katsomassa
saivat kuulla miten mukavaa kaikilla oli.
Kiitokset välitti asukkaiden ja asiakkaiden puolesta Laila
The tour continues next week when we will capture the rest of South Western Finland
and Vantaa. Meanwhile we are doing our own work and preparing our new show for 2016.
More on that later. While these news are of the utmost importance the real deal is
here: A blog post from one of the retirement home complexes in Helsinki. It is truly
a most remarkable piece of journalism that captures our essence in whole.
Read all about it here (in Finnish):
We get great feedback from our Adventure Park shows (Turun Seikkailupuisto). Here is one
pearl among most and from a reliable source (in Finnish):
"Kun olette Aarresaaren jo nähneet, käykää katsomassa samoilla suunnilla eli Seikkailupuistossa koko
perheen viihdyttävä sympaattishumoristinen sirkuspläjäys (joka ei ollut yllätys, kun on herroja vuosien
aikana nähnyt). Menee ainakin 22.7. ja 27.7. klo 15."
- Juha-Pekka Mikkola
Don't forget: You or anyone can hire us and our hit show. Next gig after the Adventure Park shows and
outside the Enter The Hearts Tour 2015 is in Lieto on the 16th of August. Welcome!
Oh yeah! We had our premiere at Seikkailupuisto on the 24.6. and it went perfect.
The tour continues and next stops are in Turku and Paimio. There are still four
more shows at Seikkailupuisto in Turku (Turku Adventure Park). The remaining dates are
as follows:
Wednesday 1.7. klo 15
Thursday 2.7. klo 15
Wednesday 22.7. klo 15
Saturday 25.7. klo 15
Tickets 5 euros and you can book them from the Turku Seikkailupuisto website.
Allright! Today we started our tour and blasted some minds at East and West Pasila in Helsinki.
We also performed our show for the first time outdoors which was great. We got a lot of
extra spectators from around who could watch us safely from their houses and met some wonderful people.
And the feedback was pure gold as well from the nurses as the main audience.
Sentences such as "This was the perfect length and type of
performance for our inhabitants." and "Goddamnit! Hell this was awesome!"
Rehearsals are going smoothly at Seikkailupuisto for Seikkisrock 2015 festival. The festival starts on Saturday
and you can also see the Kings of Hearts at the announcement happening for the new statue park at
Kupiittaa on Friday between 18.00-20.00. We will be responsible for DJ:ing, MC:ing and Performing at the event.
We will also launch a webpage for our 2015 Enter The Hearts (Sydämiin) retirement home tour soon
and new promotion pictures are being published along with our new poster. Roger!
One busy summer coming up for the Kings of Hearts! Soon Kaj will land in Finland after
surviving another 9 months in Cambodia along with
Then it is time to prepare our show for the best children's rock festival in
the universe known as
After that we will start our 2015 retirement home tour with over 10 shows in Helsinki.
Most of June we will be going around the capital area until the 24th when we have our
premiere at the Turku Adventure Park (Seikkailupuisto). After that it is four more
shows at Seikkailupuisto (Tickets only five euros, Man!)
and about 20 shows around south western Finland's retirement
homes during July and August. Later in the summer you can also see us at Norpas festival.
Here are the dates for the shows at the Adventure Park:
ke 24.6. klo 15
ke 1.7. klo 15
to 2.7. klo 15
ke 22.7. klo 15
la 25.7. klo 15
You can now book tickets for the shows at the Turku Adventure Park (Seikkailupuisto). Here is the link
to get to there. Book em' before they run out or just buy them at the spot!
We will be posting the dates of the retirement home tour soon and we will
have a new page for the 2015 tour too. Over and Out!
So now it is now confirmed. The Enter The Hearts Tour in retirement homes will continue
during the summer 2015! This is all thanks to the Finnish Cultural Foundation which is funding
us. You can also see our show at Seikkisrock 2015 festival in Turku and we will have
individual performances in Seikkailupuisto along the summer too. More details and
schedules to come.
The 2014 tour is long over and we forgot to update any news here. Later better than
never like we say in Finland. The last summer's tour was a huge success and we had the times
of our lives with Kalle. Back together, having fun and performing for the greater good
and for great people.
Many smiles and coffee cups later we decided to continue our tour in 2015. Many retirement
homes and service centers requested for more shows and many places, where we did not have the
resources to visit, contacted us after hearing about us. So the summer 2015 is all about answering
the demand. We are now applying for grants and looking for sponsors to take our tour to the next level.
Gas stations, car manufacturers, coffee brands and rollator companies are free to contact us for sponsorships.
See you at your retirement home in 2015!!
Uh oh. Kaj catched a stomach flu and the trip to Kaarina's Valmakoti turned
to a serious puke-fest. We had to cancel the show but we had it moved for
next week. Sorry for the inconvinience. Resting now so we can rock later.
Wow! It has been so busy we have not had the time to write the news. We are well
on our way with our tour and rolling about. Everybody in Raisio loved us big time and
Turku was no different during our visits. Many coffee moments later we have to say
that this is the best tour we have ever been on. Still five more shows to go and
countless good questions to answer. Rolling rolling rolling.
3.7.2014 (2nd post)
Open for all free of charge general rehearsal:
Saturday 5.7. klo 13.00
Turun Steiner-koulu, Mestarinkatu 2
Second creation going on in Turku at the new SirkusUnioni association's
training space. All shows booked and a general rehearsal coming up on
Saturday 5.7. Open and free for all. Details to follow.
You can check details of the tour and show and through the
new link up above. Don't hesitate to find out more.
Allright! Our first four days of creation were biblical in scale!
We created the show from alpha to omega and practiced all the
technical coreographies too with music. Now all we have do is pull
it all together and run it through a few times and Boom! It's ready.
We have started to book the shows in Turku, Raisio and Naantali.
For now our premiere will be on the 14th of July. We will have a
general rehearsal somewhere in the beginning of July. Stay tuned or contact
us if you want to volunteer as a test subject.
Now the thing is to get all our props together and tune them up.
Kaj is fixing things in Perno while Kalle is traveling to Toulouse
and New York for our tour promotion. Sky is the limit!
It has begun! Our first creative session together was today at Turku.
We got a place to practice from Seikkailupuisto and we are ever grateful
for that. Such a historical and inspirational site sure puts us into
our hula-hula gear. The ice cream bar next doors is sure to also give us scoops
of motivation daily. Now we already have about half of the show planned
and about 14% is ready based on old hits and blasts from the past.
Our creation sessions will continue for three more days and we will meet
again in the beginnig of July to wrap it all up. After that it is time to
hit the road and light up the retirement homes. We will add the exact
dates and locations on this page and keep updating it when we get more
bookings. Contact us at kaj(at) if you are interested.
We would like to thank Seikkailupuisto and our supporters once more.
Enter the Hearts Tour (Sydämiin -kiertue) is made possible by:
Allright! We have been applying for some grants during the busy
winter and we even managed to catch a few. Samuel Huber's foundation
and the Arts Council of Finland will be helping us on the way.
This means our plans are well on their way to turn into action
during the summer. Details will follow when the time is now.
New website launched! The new site came out of Kaj's sleeve
like a snake from a basket. Unaware and mesmerized by
some strange music. If you don't like em' feel free to visit
The inspiration to make this site came from the fact that
in 2014 we are going to make a COME BACK!
Yes. It is true! The Come Back will happen in the form of
a retirement home tour called Enter The Hearts Come Back Tour.
This will take place in Finland during the summer.
We will tour around the southwestern Finland during May and June
and later during July around the capital area.
Stay tuned for news about our show and our tour!